Embryonic stem cell-specific microRNAs contribute to pluripotency by inhibiting regulators of multiple differentiation pathways
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AJ Gruber, WA Grandy, PJ Balwierz, YA Dimitrova, M Pachkov, C Ciaudo, E van Nimwegen, M Zavolan
Embryonic stem cell-specific microRNAs contribute to pluripotency by inhibiting regulators of multiple differentiation pathways,Nucleic Acids Res 2014:42(14) 9313-9326,
doi: 10.1093/nar/gku544
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Fifteen years SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics: life science databases, tools and support
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H Stockinger, AM Altenhoff, K Arnold, A Bairoch, F Bastian, S Bergmann, et al.
Fifteen years SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics: life science databases, tools and support
Nucleic Acids Research 2014, gku380
ISMARA: automated modeling of genomic signals as a democracy of regulatory motifs.
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PJ Balwierz, M Pachkov, P Arnold, AJ Gruber, M Zavolan and E. van Nimwegen
ISMARA: automated modeling of genomic signals as a democracy of regulatory motifs
Genome research, 2014, 24 (5), 869-884
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Pegylated IFN-α regulates hepatic gene expression through transient Jak/STAT activation.
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MT Dill, Z Makowska, G Trincucci, AJ Gruber, JE Vogt, M Filipowicz, D Calabrese, I Krol, DT Lau, L Terracciano, E van Nimwegen, V Roth, MH Heim
Pegylated IFN-α regulates hepatic gene expression through transient Jak/STAT activation
The Journal of clinical investigation, 2014, 124 (4), 0-0

FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT) A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature, 2014, 507(7493), 462-70.
Read moreAutomated Reconstruction of Whole-Genome Phylogenies from Short-Sequence Reads
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F Bertels, OK Silander, M Pachkov, PB Rainey, E van Nimwegen
Automated Reconstruction of Whole-Genome Phylogenies from Short-Sequence Reads
Molecular biology and evolution 2014 31 (5), 1077-1088
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Tead2 expression levels control the subcellular distribution of Yap and Taz, zyxin expression and epithelial–mesenchymal transition.
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M Diepenbruck, L Waldmeier, R Ivanek, P Berninger, P Arnold, E. van Nimwegen and G. Christofori
Tead2 expression levels control the subcellular distribution of Yap and Taz, zyxin expression and epithelial–mesenchymal transition
Journal of cell science, 2014, 127 (7), 1523-1536
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Computational modeling identifies key gene regulatory interactions underlying phenobarbital-mediated tumor promotion.
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R Luisier, EB Unterberger, JI Goodman, M Schwarz, J Moggs, R Terranova, E van Nimwegen
Computational modeling identifies key gene regulatory interactions underlying phenobarbital-mediated tumor promotion
Nucleic acids research, 2014, gkt1415
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Timescales and bottlenecks in miRNA‐dependent gene regulation.
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J Hausser, AP Syed, N Selevsek, E van Nimwegen, L Jaskiewicz, R Aebersold, M Zavolan
Timescales and bottlenecks in miRNA‐dependent gene regulation
Molecular systems biology, 2013, 9 (1)
Nucleosome free regions in yeast promoters result from competitive binding of transcription factors that interact with chromatin modifiers/
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EA Ozonov and E van Nimwegen
Nucleosome free regions in yeast promoters result from competitive binding of transcription factors that interact with chromatin modifiers
PLoS computational biology, 2013, 9 (8), e1003181